Sunday, 13 January 2013

Beaded Lanyard Teacher Gifts

 Having 3 boys all at the same school, means they have quite a few teachers and TA's between them! Some even teach all 3 boys at some points in the same week! Thus, it meant at Christmas, I had quite a few gifts to make. Usually I make Snowmake soup, and they're always very well recived, but this year I wanted to do something totally different.I saw one of the teachers wearing a Beaded Lanyard quite a few months ago and instantly knew what I was going to do this Christmas. My biggest task was trying to source good quality beads in vast quantities at good prices. As luck would have it, I came across some gorgeous beads that were new in at my local bead store Crystals and ice and so I practically cleared their shelf of them! Well I did have 10 lanyards to make!

I also raided my stash for various beads which also come from Crystals and Ice and set to work!
The boys helped as best as they could, but they lost all will to live after threading a few beads onto the tigertail.

Once finally made, each was wrapped in a Pillow Box using  my Tim Holtz pillow box die and labelled with the teachers name. 
I did have a few days before giving them thinking "oh no! What ive made a terrible mistake and no one willl like them or use them?" But thankfully the couple of teachers that opened them on the day they were received loved them! They said they had seen another teacher wearing a beaded lanyard and wondered where she had got it from. Phew! Sigh of relief!

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