Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Having a good clear out.

After buying so much stash from the Hobbycraft Sale, its all piled up in bags in the corner of our bedroom. Not exactly romantic!
So the next few days im spending sorting it all out, going through my stash and getting rid of anything I no longer want/need or havnt used for a very long time. Already off the top of my head I can think of Crafter comapnion Enveloper pro, Provocraft silent setter, plastic templates, sizzix dies, all to get rid of. And thats before I touch any of the piled up bags!

Opened up in Town is a new store called Clas Ohlson. Its very much like Ikea, but much more convienient to get to. They have fab storage boxes for a couple of pounds, of which I stocked up on a few.
As I sort my stash I will take photos for a later date to show how I store my stash.

1 comment:

  1. i have stuff from hobbycraft sale still in bags too lol, good luck sorting through your stash i really need to sort mine but i never seem to find the time to do it. Clas Ohlson is good it opened in the town where i am just before christmas went in there a few weeks ago but wasnt a very succesful trip with a 6 year old in tow lol think i might try again next week when hes in school lol Tara x


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