Wednesday, 15 June 2011

I won a Coppernob Crease Mouse!

Helen over at Its All Fiddle Fart offered a few Coppernob Crease Mouse for blog candy and I was lucky enough to be picked out of the Teapot!

It arrived in my post box yesterday and I had a good play with it and its fab!
I have (had, as I will pass it on to my mum) a bone folder that came free with a craft magazine about 10 years ago, that I used to creasing my card but it just did not cut it and it was shoved in a box in my craft cupboard somewhere. I didnt get what the fuss was about for crease tools.
Until yesterday! The Coppernob crease mouse is very strong and creased my cards amazingly well, and with such ease. One swipe gave perfect results.
Now I'm hooked! I love it and will use it everytime something needs creasing,
I havnt used it with my Hougie board yet, or with rub ons yet, I'm really hoping it will fit the grooves of the board and im positive it will make easy work of rub ons!

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